XBPS Library API 20240111
The X Binary Package System
Data Structures | Enumerations | Functions
Initialization and finalization functions

Data Structures

struct  xbps_state_cb_data
 Structure to be passed as argument to the state function callback. All members are read-only and set internally by libxbps. More...
struct  xbps_fetch_cb_data
 Structure to be passed to the fetch function callback. More...
struct  xbps_unpack_cb_data
 Structure to be passed to the unpack function callback. More...
struct  xbps_handle
 Generic XBPS structure handler for initialization. More...


enum  xbps_state_t


void void void void int xbps_init (struct xbps_handle *xhp)
void xbps_end (struct xbps_handle *xhp)

Detailed Description

Use these functions to initialize some parameters before start using libxbps and finalize usage to release resources at the end.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ xbps_state_cb_data

struct xbps_state_cb_data

Definition at line 389 of file xbps.h.

Collaboration diagram for xbps_state_cb_data:

Data Fields

struct xbps_handlexhp
const char * desc
const char * arg
int err
xbps_state_t state

Field Documentation

◆ xhp


Pointer to our struct xbps_handle passed to xbps_init().

Definition at line 395 of file xbps.h.

◆ desc


Current state string description.

Definition at line 401 of file xbps.h.

◆ arg


State string argument. String set on this variable may change depending on state.

Definition at line 408 of file xbps.h.

◆ err


Current state error value (set internally, read-only).

Definition at line 414 of file xbps.h.

◆ state


Current state.

Definition at line 420 of file xbps.h.

◆ xbps_fetch_cb_data

struct xbps_fetch_cb_data

This structure is passed as argument to the fetch progress function callback and its members will be updated when there's any progress. All members marked as read-only in this struct are set internally by xbps_unpack_binary_pkg() and shouldn't be modified in the passed function callback.

Definition at line 433 of file xbps.h.

Collaboration diagram for xbps_fetch_cb_data:

Data Fields

struct xbps_handlexhp
off_t file_size
off_t file_offset
off_t file_dloaded
const char * file_name
bool cb_start
bool cb_update
bool cb_end

Field Documentation

◆ xhp


Pointer to our struct xbps_handle passed to xbps_init().

Definition at line 439 of file xbps.h.

◆ file_size


Filename size for the file to be fetched.

Definition at line 445 of file xbps.h.

◆ file_offset


Current offset for the filename being fetched.

Definition at line 451 of file xbps.h.

◆ file_dloaded


Bytes downloaded for the file being fetched.

Definition at line 457 of file xbps.h.

◆ file_name


File name being fetched.

Definition at line 463 of file xbps.h.

◆ cb_start


If true the function callback should be prepared to start the transfer progress.

Definition at line 470 of file xbps.h.

◆ cb_update


If true the function callback should be prepared to update the transfer progress.

Definition at line 477 of file xbps.h.

◆ cb_end


If true the function callback should be prepated to end the transfer progress.

Definition at line 484 of file xbps.h.

◆ xbps_unpack_cb_data

struct xbps_unpack_cb_data

This structure is passed as argument to the unpack progress function callback and its members will be updated when there's any progress. All members in this struct are set internally by libxbps and should be used in read-only mode in the supplied function callback.

Definition at line 497 of file xbps.h.

Collaboration diagram for xbps_unpack_cb_data:

Data Fields

struct xbps_handlexhp
const char * pkgver
const char * entry
int64_t entry_size
ssize_t entry_extract_count
ssize_t entry_total_count
bool entry_is_conf

Field Documentation

◆ xhp


Pointer to our struct xbps_handle passed to xbps_init().

Definition at line 503 of file xbps.h.

◆ pkgver


Package name/version string of package being unpacked.

Definition at line 509 of file xbps.h.

◆ entry


Entry pathname string.

Definition at line 515 of file xbps.h.

◆ entry_size


Entry file size.

Definition at line 521 of file xbps.h.

◆ entry_extract_count


Total number of extracted entries.

Definition at line 527 of file xbps.h.

◆ entry_total_count


Total number of entries in package.

Definition at line 533 of file xbps.h.

◆ entry_is_conf


If true "entry" is a configuration file.

Definition at line 539 of file xbps.h.

◆ xbps_handle

struct xbps_handle

This structure sets some global properties for libxbps, to set some function callbacks and data to the fetch, transaction and unpack functions, the root and cache directory, flags, etc.

Definition at line 550 of file xbps.h.

Collaboration diagram for xbps_handle:

Data Fields

xbps_array_t repositories
xbps_dictionary_t pkgdb
xbps_dictionary_t transd
int(* state_cb )(const struct xbps_state_cb_data *, void *)
void * state_cb_data
void(* unpack_cb )(const struct xbps_unpack_cb_data *, void *)
void * unpack_cb_data
void(* fetch_cb )(const struct xbps_fetch_cb_data *, void *)
void * fetch_cb_data
char * pkgdb_plist
const char * target_arch
char confdir [XBPS_MAXPATH+sizeof(XBPS_SYSCONF_PATH)]
char rootdir [XBPS_MAXPATH]
char cachedir [XBPS_MAXPATH+sizeof(XBPS_CACHE_PATH)]
char metadir [XBPS_MAXPATH+sizeof(XBPS_META_PATH)]
char native_arch [64]
int flags

Field Documentation

◆ repositories


Proplib array of strings with repositories, overriding the list in the configuration file.

Definition at line 563 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init(), xbps_repo_remove(), xbps_repo_store(), and xbps_rpool_foreach().

◆ pkgdb

◆ transd


Proplib dictionary with transaction objects, required by xbps_transaction_commit().

Definition at line 583 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_transaction_autoremove_pkgs(), xbps_transaction_commit(), xbps_transaction_prepare(), and xbps_transaction_remove_pkg().

◆ state_cb

int(* state_cb) (const struct xbps_state_cb_data *, void *)

Pointer to the supplifed function callback to be used in the XBPS possible states.

Definition at line 588 of file xbps.h.

◆ state_cb_data


Pointer to user supplied data to be passed as argument to the xbps_state_cb function callback.

Definition at line 595 of file xbps.h.

◆ unpack_cb

void(* unpack_cb) (const struct xbps_unpack_cb_data *, void *)

Pointer to the supplied function callback to be used in xbps_unpack_binary_pkg().

Definition at line 600 of file xbps.h.

◆ unpack_cb_data


Pointer to user supplied data to be passed as argument to the xbps_unpack_cb function callback.

Definition at line 607 of file xbps.h.

◆ fetch_cb

void(* fetch_cb) (const struct xbps_fetch_cb_data *, void *)

Pointer to the supplied function callback to be used in xbps_fetch_file().

Definition at line 612 of file xbps.h.

◆ fetch_cb_data


Pointer to user supplied data to be passed as argument to the xbps_fetch_cb function callback.

Definition at line 619 of file xbps.h.

◆ pkgdb_plist


Absolute pathname to the pkgdb plist file.

Definition at line 625 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_pkgdb_lock(), and xbps_pkgdb_update().

◆ target_arch


Target architecture, as set by XBPS_TARGET_ARCH from environment.

Definition at line 631 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init(), xbps_pkg_arch_match(), xbps_pkg_exec_buffer(), xbps_repo_path_with_name(), and xbps_transaction_commit().

◆ confdir


Full path to the xbps configuration directory.

Definition at line 637 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init().

◆ rootdir


Root directory for all operations in XBPS. If unset, defaults to '/'.

Definition at line 650 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init(), xbps_pkg_exec_buffer(), xbps_pkgdb_lock(), xbps_symlink_target(), and xbps_transaction_commit().

◆ cachedir


Cache directory to store downloaded binary packages. If unset, defaults to XBPS_CACHE_PATH (relative to rootdir).

Definition at line 657 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_binpkg_exists(), xbps_init(), xbps_pkg_path(), xbps_remote_binpkg_exists(), xbps_repository_pkg_path(), and xbps_transaction_commit().

◆ metadir


Metadata directory for all operations in XBPS. If unset, defaults to XBPS_CACHE_PATH (relative to rootdir).

Definition at line 664 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init(), xbps_pkgdb_get_pkg_files(), xbps_pkgdb_lock(), xbps_repo_key_import(), and xbps_verify_signature().

◆ native_arch


Machine architecture, defaults to uname(2) machine if XBPS_ARCH is not set from environment.

Definition at line 671 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_init(), xbps_pkg_arch_match(), xbps_pkg_exec_buffer(), xbps_repo_path_with_name(), and xbps_transaction_commit().

◆ flags


Flags to be set globally by ORing them, possible value:

    - XBPS_FLAG_* (see above)

Definition at line 679 of file xbps.h.

Referenced by xbps_configure_pkg(), xbps_init(), xbps_rpool_get_pkg(), xbps_transaction_commit(), xbps_transaction_install_pkg(), xbps_transaction_prepare(), and xbps_transaction_update_pkg().

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ xbps_state_t

Integer representing the xbps callback returned state. Possible values:

  • XBPS_STATE_UKKNOWN: state hasn't been prepared or unknown error.
  • XBPS_STATE_TRANS_DOWNLOAD: transaction is downloading binary packages.
  • XBPS_STATE_TRANS_VERIFY: transaction is verifying binary package integrity.
  • XBPS_STATE_TRANS_RUN: transaction is performing operations: install, update, remove, replace.
  • XBPS_STATE_TRANS_CONFIGURE: transaction is configuring all unpacked packages.
  • XBPS_STATE_TRANS_FAIL: transaction has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_DOWNLOAD: a binary package is being downloaded.
  • XBPS_STATE_VERIFY: a binary package is being verified.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE: a package is being removed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_DONE: a package has been removed successfully.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_FILE: a package file is being removed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_OBSOLETE: an obsolete package file is being removed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REPLACE: a package is being replaced.
  • XBPS_STATE_INSTALL: a package is being installed.
  • XBPS_STATE_INSTALL_DONE: a package has been installed successfully.
  • XBPS_STATE_UPDATE: a package is being updated.
  • XBPS_STATE_UPDATE_DONE: a package has been updated successfully.
  • XBPS_STATE_UNPACK: a package is being unpacked.
  • XBPS_STATE_CONFIGURE: a package is being configured.
  • XBPS_STATE_CONFIGURE_DONE: a package has been configured successfully.
  • XBPS_STATE_CONFIG_FILE: a package configuration file is being processed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REPOSYNC: a remote repository's package index is being synchronized.
  • XBPS_STATE_VERIFY_FAIL: binary package integrity has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL: binary package download has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_FAIL: a package removal has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_FILE_FAIL: a package file removal has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_FILE_HASH_FAIL: a package file removal has failed due to hash.
  • XBPS_STATE_REMOVE_FILE_OBSOLETE_FAIL: an obsolete package file removal has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_CONFIGURE_FAIL: package configure has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_CONFIG_FILE_FAIL: package configuration file operation has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_UPDATE_FAIL: package update has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_UNPACK_FAIL: package unpack has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REPOSYNC_FAIL: syncing remote repositories has failed.
  • XBPS_STATE_REPO_KEY_IMPORT: repository is signed and needs to import pubkey.
  • XBPS_STATE_INVALID_DEP: package has an invalid dependency.
  • XBPS_STATE_SHOW_INSTALL_MSG: package must show a post-install message.
  • XBPS_STATE_SHOW_REMOVE_MSG: package must show a pre-remove message.
  • XBPS_STATE_ALTGROUP_ADDED: package has registered an alternative group.
  • XBPS_STATE_ALTGROUP_REMOVED: package has unregistered an alternative group.
  • XBPS_STATE_ALTGROUP_SWITCHED: alternative group has been switched.
  • XBPS_STATE_ALTGROUP_LINK_ADDED: link added by an alternative group.
  • XBPS_STATE_ALTGROUP_LINK_REMOVED: link removed by an alternative group.
  • XBPS_STATE_UNPACK_FILE_PRESERVED: package unpack preserved a file.
  • XBPS_STATE_PKGDB: pkgdb upgrade in progress.
  • XBPS_STATE_PKGDB_DONE: pkgdb has been upgraded successfully.

Definition at line 329 of file xbps.h.

Function Documentation

◆ xbps_init()

void void void void int xbps_init ( struct xbps_handle xhp)

Initialize the XBPS library with the following steps:

  • Set function callbacks for fetching and unpacking.
  • Set default cache connections for libfetch.
  • Parse configuration file.
[in]xhpPointer to an xbps_handle struct.
It's assumed that xhp is a valid pointer.
0 on success, an errno value otherwise.

Definition at line 46 of file initend.c.

References xbps_handle::cachedir, xbps_handle::confdir, xbps_handle::flags, xbps_handle::metadir, xbps_handle::native_arch, xbps_handle::repositories, xbps_handle::rootdir, xbps_handle::target_arch, xbps_path_clean(), xbps_path_join(), xbps_path_prepend(), and xbps_strlcpy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ xbps_end()

void xbps_end ( struct xbps_handle xhp)

Releases all resources used by libxbps.

[in]xhpPointer to an xbps_handle struct.

Definition at line 180 of file initend.c.